Tools for symbiosis

Within the taxonomy of biology are six different forms of symbiosis, each defined by the varying effects of the long-term coexistence of the individuals involved. The effects can be can be harmful, beneficial or neutral. Examples of different symbiosis can be the relationship between flowers and bees in the field or a tapeworm and its unfortunate host. Close relations between humans are most often too complex to rigidly assess as either harmful or beneficial. However, if zoomed in closely enough, certain parts of a relationship can be fitted into the taxonomy of symbiosis.

The tools in this exhibition are meant to enforce certain types of human to human symbiosis. With their affordability they generate moments where the existence of two or more individuals momentarily gets entangled, whether it be for the better or worse.

Photographs 1-4 and header:

Magnús Óli Sigurðsson

Photographs 5-6:

Clara Lilian